My Review 3/5

In a world of scarcity finding hits was prudent. But in the digital age anything can be ‘available’ for sale without merchandising cost. This unlimited model means that the aggregate demand of the ‘long tail’ can be larger than the ‘mainstream’. While this seems to only apply to digital consumption ‘bland’ products are out.

The idea of ‘mass media’ hit it’s prime during the 50-70s where the majority of Americans consumed a finite amount of media. What the long tail says is that beyond serving the top 2% is a limitless sub-categorization that aggregated sums more than the top 2%. End of book.

To be fair. I did not finish this book. In fact I find the long read online to be sufficient enough:

Date Read


Date Added


Goodreads book information

The Long Tail: Why the Future Is Selling Less of More by Chris Anderson

Bookshelves: did-not-finish

Author’s Note

Initial md Generated using

Chris Anderson, The Long Tail: Why the Future Is Selling Less of More, Hyperion 2006 (Audio CD)1

Significant revisions

tags: 2017, book, review, Anderson, did-not-finish

  • Apr 22nd, 2024 Converted to jekyll markdown format and copied to personal site
  • Mar 3rd, 2017 Originally published on goodreads


  1. ISBN: =”1401384145”