My Review 4/5

First. The book can be halved and/or skipped around if you favor one continent or another. Mann does a phenomenal job traversing the histories of a peoples who were wiped off the earth by diseases.

This book covers everything you wanted to know:
* Were all native populations nomads? Emphatically no, most city centers were ravaged by diseases
* Did natives ‘live at peace’ with their surroundings? No, by all accounts natives did just as much damage/conscious cultivation to their surroundings as any later white population
* Do Americans owe their sense of liberty to the values of natives? By some accounts Yes. The culture shock of seeing libertarian values of equality was hard for Europeans

After reading this book I have a better understanding of ‘the rest of the story’. I definitely would recommend to anyone who wonders about the past inhabitants.

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Goodreads book information

1491: New Revelations of the Americas Before Columbus by Charles C. Mann

Bookshelves: history

Author’s Note

Initial md Generated using

Charles C. Mann, 1491: New Revelations of the Americas Before Columbus, Peter Johnson HighBridge Company 2005 (Audio CD)1

Significant revisions

tags: 2019, book, review, Mann, history

  • Apr 22nd, 2024 Converted to jekyll markdown format and copied to personal site
  • May 9th, 2019 Originally published on goodreads


  1. ISBN: =”1565119789”