About James Rowe

Hi! I’m James, and I’ve been a student of delivering solutions via software for over 20 years in a variety of industries. I have experience as a software engineer, software architect, and people leader with a wide range of technologies. Right now I’m transforming insurance @Clearcover.

Previously I’ve worked in manufacturing, finance, and healthcare. I wanted a place to publish and share what I’ve learned along my journey; this is that place.

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A mind at work

A candid photo taken by my kids that I feel captures how I frequently find myself “at work” on my personal projects—complete with help from a lemur. Very serious business.

james at work
Photo by Rowe Family taken on May 6, 2024

Fuel This Content

Did something here save you time? Help you? Entertain you? Consider whether all that is worth a cup of coffee, at least until I can directly plug my AWS invoice here. All funds spent locally at Coleen’s Kitchen.

venmo brand

Venmo me