Hosting Writebook on AWS
Jekyll Pretty URLs and AWS S3 HTTP 403 Errors
Daily Standup: The Status Update Trap
Tree Rings and the Invisible Scars of Life
Detect Thoughts on "If you give a mouse a cookie"
The last time
Journaling, why write?
ChatGPT-4o Initial impressions on latest model (with citations)
Finding llm training data limits
The Real Diary of a Real Boy
Conversation experience ChatGPT vs stack overflow
Goodreads reviews imported to posts
My favorite xkcd comics
Search Safari history by timestamp
Nyan cat easter egg
What's in your software product?
Hello World, Jekyll
Detect Thoughts on "Empire of the Summer Moon"
Detect Thoughts on "What to Eat"
Detect Thoughts on "Falling Up"
Detect Thoughts on "Long Way Down"
Detect Thoughts on "Food Rules"
Detect Thoughts on "The Willpower Instinct"
Detect Thoughts on "Inspired"
Detect Thoughts on "Willpower"
Detect Thoughts on "The Energy Bus"
Detect Thoughts on "The Phantom Tollbooth"
Detect Thoughts on "Enchanters' End Game (The Belgariad #5)"
Detect Thoughts on "Castle of Wizardry (The Belgariad #4)"
Detect Thoughts on "Queen of Sorcery (The Belgariad #2)"
Detect Thoughts on "Magician's Gambit (The Belgariad #3)"
Detect Thoughts on "Pawn of Prophecy (The Belgariad, #1)"
Detect Thoughts on "Just One Thing"
Detect Thoughts on "Beyond Entrepreneurship"
Detect Thoughts on "The One Thing"
Detect Thoughts on "The Long-Distance Leader"
Detect Thoughts on "High Output Management"
Detect Thoughts on "The Five Most Important Questions You Will Ever Ask About Your Organization"
Detect Thoughts on "The Startup Way"
Detect Thoughts on "Atomic Habits"
Detect Thoughts on "Dao De Jing"
Detect Thoughts on "Fifty Inventions That Shaped the Modern Economy"
Detect Thoughts on "The Best Business Books Ever"
Detect Thoughts on "15 Secrets Successful People Know About Time Management"
Detect Thoughts on "Leading Change"
Detect Thoughts on "Leadership"
Detect Thoughts on "Don't Think of an Elephant! Know Your Values and Frame the Debate"
Detect Thoughts on "An Elegant Puzzle"
Detect Thoughts on "The Undoing Project"
Detect Thoughts on "Deep Work"
Detect Thoughts on "50 Prosperity Classics"
Detect Thoughts on "The Wright Brothers"
Detect Thoughts on "The Power of Your Potential"
Detect Thoughts on "The Book of Five Rings"
Detect Thoughts on "Washington's Farewell"
Detect Thoughts on "Flash Boys"
Detect Thoughts on "The 33 Strategies of War"
Detect Thoughts on "Budoshoshinshu"
Detect Thoughts on "Good Strategy/Bad Strategy"
Detect Thoughts on "Patton, Montgomery, Rommel"
Detect Thoughts on "The First Billion Is the Hardest"
Detect Thoughts on "HBR's 10 Must Reads"
Detect Thoughts on "The New Dad's Playbook"
Detect Thoughts on "The Myth of the Spoiled Child"
Detect Thoughts on "Raising Men"
Detect Thoughts on "The Miracle of Self-Discipline"
Detect Thoughts on "Ready, Set, Breathe"
Detect Thoughts on "When to Rob a Bank...And 131 More Warped Suggestions and Well-Intended Rants"
Detect Thoughts on "Rich Dad Poor Dad"
Detect Thoughts on "Easy Company Soldier"
Detect Thoughts on "Conversations With Major Dick Winters"
Detect Thoughts on "Doing the Right Things Right"
Detect Thoughts on "Black Box Thinking"
Detect Thoughts on "Alone"
Detect Thoughts on "The Librarian of Auschwitz"
Detect Thoughts on "Rough Riders"
Detect Thoughts on "Primal Leadership"
Detect Thoughts on "Management"
Detect Thoughts on "Developing the Leader Within You 2.0"
Detect Thoughts on "Becoming a Resonant Leader"
Detect Thoughts on "1491"
Detect Thoughts on "Farsighted"
Detect Thoughts on "Steve Jobs"
Detect Thoughts on "The Universe in a Nutshell"
Detect Thoughts on "Talking to my Daughter about the Economy"
Detect Thoughts on "Practice Perfect"
Detect Thoughts on "Dealing with China"
Detect Thoughts on "Brand real how smart companies live their brand promise and inspire fierce customer loyalty"
Detect Thoughts on "The Everything Store"
Detect Thoughts on "Change Anything"
Detect Thoughts on "21 Lessons for the 21st Century"
Detect Thoughts on "Coach"
Detect Thoughts on "Private Empire"
Detect Thoughts on "The Danish Way of Parenting"
Detect Thoughts on "First Bite"
Detect Thoughts on "The 25 Sales Skills"
Detect Thoughts on "The Happiness Advantage"
Detect Thoughts on "The Tycoons"
Detect Thoughts on "The New Articulate Executive"
Detect Thoughts on "Happier at Home"
Detect Thoughts on "How Much Is Enough?"
Detect Thoughts on "How to Raise an Adult"
Detect Thoughts on "American Hunter"
Detect Thoughts on "The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck"
Detect Thoughts on "Lead with Humility"
Detect Thoughts on "Selected Shorts"
Detect Thoughts on "Learning from the Giants"
Detect Thoughts on "Capital Gaines"
Detect Thoughts on "Get Paid More and Promoted Faster"
Detect Thoughts on "The Charisma Myth"
Detect Thoughts on "Seven Lessons for Leading in Crisis"
Detect Thoughts on "Letter from Birmingham Jail"
Detect Thoughts on "The 48 Laws of Power"
Detect Thoughts on "The All-or-Nothing Marriage"
Detect Thoughts on "Dumbing Us Down - 25th Anniversary Hardback Edition"
Detect Thoughts on "Self-Reg"
Detect Thoughts on "Predictably Irrational"
Detect Thoughts on "Economics in One Lesson"
Detect Thoughts on "The Audacity of Hope"
Detect Thoughts on "Drive"
Detect Thoughts on "Influence" by Great Courses
Detect Thoughts on "All I Really Need to Know I Learned in Kindergarten"
Detect Thoughts on "Prediction Machines"
Detect Thoughts on "A Higher Loyalty"
Detect Thoughts on "Get Smart"
Detect Thoughts on "Good Leaders Ask Great Questions"
Detect Thoughts on "The Collapse of Parenting"
Detect Thoughts on "Collaboration Begins With You"
Detect Thoughts on "Leadership 2.0"
Detect Thoughts on "Guns, Germs and Steel"
Detect Thoughts on "The Ideal Team Player"
Detect Thoughts on "The 5 Levels of Leadership"
Detect Thoughts on "Thank You for Being Late"
Detect Thoughts on "Who Says Elephants Can't Dance?"
Detect Thoughts on "Great by Choice"
Detect Thoughts on "The 27 Challenges Managers Face"
Detect Thoughts on "Silos, Politics & Turf Wars"
Detect Thoughts on "Leaders eat last"
Detect Thoughts on "How Successful People Think"
Detect Thoughts on "The Startup of You"
Detect Thoughts on "The Perfect Horse"
Detect Thoughts on "The Alliance"
Detect Thoughts on "The Art of War" by Great Courses
Detect Thoughts on "The Art of War"
Detect Thoughts on "Leadership Lessons from a UPS Driver"
Detect Thoughts on "Endurance"
Detect Thoughts on "David and Goliath"
Detect Thoughts on "Losing the Signal"
Detect Thoughts on "Confronting Reality Doing What Matters to Get Things Right"
Detect Thoughts on "Half the Sky"
Detect Thoughts on "Grit"
Detect Thoughts on "How Google Works"
Detect Thoughts on "How the Mighty Fall CD"
Detect Thoughts on "Sapiens"
Detect Thoughts on "American Icon"
Detect Thoughts on "The On-Time, On-Target Manager"
Detect Thoughts on "The One Minute Manager"
Detect Thoughts on "Lone Star Nation"
Detect Thoughts on "The Dream Manager"
Detect Thoughts on "Hot, Flat, and Crowded"
Detect Thoughts on "Business @ the Speed Thought"
Detect Thoughts on "The Black Swan"
Detect Thoughts on "Enemies"
Detect Thoughts on "NPR Driveway Moments Baseball"
Detect Thoughts on "The Fiefdom Syndrome"
Detect Thoughts on "Born Standing Up"
Detect Thoughts on "The Big Short"
Detect Thoughts on "Bringing Up Bébé"
Detect Thoughts on "The Power of Habit"
Detect Thoughts on "Mornings on Horseback"
Detect Thoughts on "The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up"
Detect Thoughts on "30 Days to Love"
Detect Thoughts on "River of Doubt"
Detect Thoughts on "The Bully Pulpit"
Detect Thoughts on "First, Break All the Rules"
Detect Thoughts on "The Opposite of Spoiled"
Detect Thoughts on "The Long Tail"
Detect Thoughts on "The Breakthrough Company"
Detect Thoughts on "Bringing Up Boys"
Detect Thoughts on "Blue Ocean Strategy"
Detect Thoughts on "The 10X Rule"
Detect Thoughts on "Influence"
Detect Thoughts on "Outliers"
Detect Thoughts on "Essentialism"
Detect Thoughts on "Common Sense, The Rights of Man and Other Essential Writings"
Detect Thoughts on "Glenn Beck's Common Sense"
Detect Thoughts on "The 15 Invaluable Laws of Growth"
Detect Thoughts on "How to Talk so Kids Will Listen...And Listen So Kids Will Talk"
Detect Thoughts on "Boundaries with Kids"
Detect Thoughts on "Team of Teams"
Detect Thoughts on "A Random Walk Down Wall Street"
Detect Thoughts on "Active Parenting Now"
Detect Thoughts on "Marriage Rules"
Detect Thoughts on "The Five Temptations of a CEO"
Detect Thoughts on "The Man Without a Face"
Detect Thoughts on "Crucial Confrontations"
Detect Thoughts on "The Comfort Trap"
Detect Thoughts on "Team of Rivals"
Detect Thoughts on "The Checklist Manifesto"
Detect Thoughts on "The Autobiography of Andrew Carnegie"
Detect Thoughts on "Effective Negotiating Workbook and Discussion Guide"
Detect Thoughts on "Failure Is Not an Option"
Detect Thoughts on "The Age of Cryptocurrency"
Detect Thoughts on "Codependent No More"
Detect Thoughts on "Elon Musk"
Detect Thoughts on "The Body Fat Solution"
Detect Thoughts on "Toxic Parents"
Detect Thoughts on "Stumbling on Happiness"
Detect Thoughts on "The Five Dysfunctions of a Team"
Detect Thoughts on "The Tipping Point"
Detect Thoughts on "Dont Sweat the Small Stuff and Its All Small Stuff"
Detect Thoughts on "What Got You Here Won't Get You There"
Detect Thoughts on "The Last Lecture"
Detect Thoughts on "The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People"
Detect Thoughts on "Sam Walton"
Detect Thoughts on "Crucial Conversations"
Detect Thoughts on "Our Iceberg Is Melting"
Detect Thoughts on "Living The 80/20 Way"
Detect Thoughts on "Mindset"
Detect Thoughts on "The 80/20 Manager"
Detect Thoughts on "Truman"
Detect Thoughts on "The 80/20 Principle"
Detect Thoughts on "Flow"
Detect Thoughts on "Business Adventures"
Detect Thoughts on "Man's Search for Meaning"
Detect Thoughts on "Built to Last CD"
Detect Thoughts on "Good to Great"
Detect Thoughts on "Who Moved My Cheese"
Detect Thoughts on "A Whole New Mind"
Detect Thoughts on "Eat That Frog! 21 Great Ways to Stop Procrastinating and Get More Done in Less Time"
Detect Thoughts on "Blink"
Detect Thoughts on "The End of Overeating"
Detect Thoughts on "Command and Control"
Detect Thoughts on "Think and Grow Rich"
Detect Thoughts on "The Millionaire Next Door"
Detect Thoughts on "Mistakes Were Made (But Not by Me)"
Detect Thoughts on "Freakonomics"
Detect Thoughts on "The Marshmallow Test"
Detect Thoughts on "Death by Meeting"
Detect Thoughts on "Essential Drucker, The"
Detect Thoughts on "The Five Love Languages"
Detect Thoughts on "The Seven Principles for Making Marriage Work"
Detect Thoughts on "Thinking, Fast and Slow"
Detect Thoughts on "The Complete 101 Collection"
Detect Thoughts on "The Four Disciplines of Execution"
Detect Thoughts on "Focus"
Detect Thoughts on "The 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership"
Detect Thoughts on "1776"
Detect Thoughts on "Emotional Intelligence"
Detect Thoughts on "The American Revolution"
Detect Thoughts on "Leadership 101"
Detect Thoughts on "How Great Generals Win"
Detect Thoughts on "Plato and a Platypus Walk Into a Bar..."
Detect Thoughts on "Isaac's Storm"
Detect Thoughts on "Aesop's Fables"
Detect Thoughts on "Alexander Hamilton"
Detect Thoughts on "John Adams"
Detect Thoughts on "How To Win Friends And Influence People"
Detect Thoughts on "Creativity, Inc."
Detect Thoughts on "The 8th Habit"
Modified({fieldname}) no longer works
Keep code base clean – avoid unnecessary variable assignments
Embedding CSS file in html e-mail
Blueprint CSS is total win
Porting DATE_TO_CHAR function to PostgreSQL
Reverse PostgreSQL into model with undefined data types
Pass object association by reference via & to save resources
Creating fields via SQL vs creating fields via structure editor
Allow NULL values in 4DB engine
Automatic cron backup of PostgreSQL database
Use 4D header macro to identify code blocks
Generic 4D error catcher
Clear empty object methods to avoid developer confusion
Real programmers use the right tool for the job
Java string comparison
4D ‘blank’ user locked record
Encapsulate form/object methods with form event case statements
Toggle off 4D form events for easier debugging
4D Forms to have layers instead of limited number of ‘views’
Slider bar for zoom level
Use CAST in 4D volatile SQL statements
Compiler warning on possible loss of precision
Scenarios listed in Operator view are same as Designer view
Error when purging log unable to extend tablespace ‘UNDO’
Using Redmine as a help desk
Redmine versus Request Tracker
Request Tracker date picker
This month’s date range
4D Linux ODBC Driver
4D DSN-less ODBC connection
Return stack size information with PROCESS PROPERTIES
MySQL command options
4D Delay Process should not accept negative numbers
4D text interpolation
4D Log Event command and log level importance
4D record locked in read only mode
Get last month’s date range in PHP
4D Execute on sever command vs method checkbox differences
4D based mirror component – take two
Count SQL users command
ODBC Tracing on Windows 2003 server
Full variable introspection in debugger window
4D unary operator (read i++)
4D Database timestamp makes no sense
Epoch/Unix timestamp command
Ruby Rakefile auto executes includes
WordPress engine fail on embeded smilies in source
Active record find_each in batches
svn: Can’t move /.svn/tmp/entries: Operation not permitted
Request Tracker to Redmine Migration
Rubies for the holidays
Joined Github
SVN client/server version mismatch
svn: Argument list too long
Set enterable for list box object not just columns
HTML Structure export blurs the line on fields and it’s comments
Universal micro usb charger with unique housing
Method editor search with wrap option
Define constants without a plugin
4Dv11.8 drag and drop with list boxes header gotcha
Windows get CPU usage command
New 4D variable data type – float
Import SQL files via psql command line scheduled task
Auto execute psql commands via batch file
Knowledge base ui tweaks
Currently displayed form command
New Database event – On Transaction Validate
Validate 4d string data with regex by data type
Merge command/control down key functions
Is record number valid – command
SVN Windows and ‘._’ Apple double files
Postgres dynamic trigger — mirroring
UUID in canonical form (no hyphens)
Infinite is a real number in 4D
Exception handling – try/catch/finally
Mirroring 4D data to another database
SQL Based view
4th Dimension v11
Flex 4.0 drag-and-drop with skins
flex 4 compile error “‘mxmlContent’ must be contiguous”
MySQL stored routines
LDAP Authentication
3.5 to 4.0 Flex SDK upgrade
What’s in a name?
Apple’s Magic Mouse