Exception handling – try/catch/finally

I know there is the ON ERR CALL but personally I think that fragments the code into separate methods. Having a concept of THROWS would be icing on the cake.

I’m not advocating the removal of ON ERR CALL but I would love to just do something like below for simple try/catch concepts.

I suppose this type of concept is available with 4Dv12 and PHP, but not natively.

` this is my method that is called when ANY error is thrown
ON ERR CALL("catch error")

` throws error which goes into "catch error" method call
$result:=Create document($1) ` none specified

Author’s Note

Initial md Generated using https://github.com/jsr6720/wordpress-html-scraper-to-md

Original Wordpress categories: [‘Wish List’]

Original Wordpress tags: “Wish List”, “4D”, “programming structure”, “try catch”

Original Wordpress comments: None

Significant revisions

tags: 2010, wordpress, txcowboycoder, 4D, control-structure

  • May 6th, 2024 Converted to jekyll markdown format and copied to personal site
  • Oct 21st, 2010 Originally published on txcowboycoder wordpress site
