My Review 5/5

System 1 (amygdala, ancient brain) and system 2 (thoughtful top down executive brain)
compete for making decision. System 2 is lazy and will often trust system 1 most of the time.
This books summarizes the logical fallacy heuristics. How system 1 will generalize and make patterns
from seemingly different groups. Focus on engaging system 2 to make informed judgement
I find it ironic that Kahneman makes the case that success is often a mis-attribution of luck. The less
someone knows the more he is apt to ‘know everything’. But not him. his book is FACT!

Also talk on heuristics (biases) and simple problems substitution. How the laws of ECONs does not apply to humans as we can’t act consistently rational. Final section on remembering self vs experiencing self.

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Goodreads book information

Thinking, Fast and Slow by Daniel Kahneman

Bookshelves: psychology, read-again

Author’s Note

Initial md Generated using

Daniel Kahneman, Thinking, Fast and Slow, Patrick Egan Random House Audio 2011 (Audiobook)1

Significant revisions

tags: 2015, book, review, Kahneman, psychology, read-again

  • Apr 22nd, 2024 Converted to jekyll markdown format and copied to personal site
  • Nov 6th, 2015 Originally published on goodreads


  1. ISBN: =”0739357999”