4D record locked in read only mode

Was doing a bit of 4D v11 programming when I discovered this conundrum. I found it to be confusing, but maybe it makes perfect sense to everyone else.

When showing a record to a user with the table in read only mode, 4D returns True for LOCKED even though LOCKED ATTRIBUTES returns nothing. This occurs only when using LOAD RECORD with a table in read only mode.

I would expect that 4D would not see this as a locked record, or return system information for LOCKED ATTRIBUTES. Further, when another process accesses this record in read write mode, 4D does not report this record to be locked, and it can be loaded modified and saved.

` "Save" button on a form in READ ONLY mode
` record is displayed in variables
` with DIALOG command

$Event:=Form event

Case of
	: ($Event=On Clicked )
		  ` first we need to make sure we can load the record
		  ` I would expect 4D to return false, since the table is in read only mode
		If (Not(Locked([Table])))
			  ` map the variables back to data values
			` instead I end up here with results 0, "", "", "" respectively
			LOCKED ATTRIBUTES([Table];$process;$4d_user;$session_user;$process_name)
		End if

End case

However, if UNLOAD RECORD is execute after getting the data into variables the record is no longer LOCKED

Significant Revisions

  • May 6th, 2024 Converted to jekyll markdown format and copied to personal site
  • Mar 2nd, 2011 Originally published on txcowboycoder wordpress site1


  1. Initial md Generated using https://github.com/jsr6720/wordpress-html-scraper-to-md

    Original Wordpress categories: [‘4D’]

    Original Wordpress tags: “4D”, “4D v11”, “locked record”, “read only mode”