Quick Thoughts on Active Parenting Now
Michael H. Popkin, Active Parenting Now, Active Parenting Publishers 2003 (Audio CD) ISBN: =”1880283891”
My Review 5/5
Great review of active parenting. This is the apex of the two lesser forms of parenting: passive parenting, and authoritative parenting.
Passive parenting results in children who long for boundaries and feel adrift in a world that limits them. They also tend to resent not being ‘loved’ enough even though their life may be full of ‘yes’.
Authoritative parenting is a constant power struggle until the child is old enough to fight back. This is not a good path to be on as fights will be constant to exert independence.
The active parent uses filters to weed out bad influences (media, friends, locations) and uses agile methodologies to introduce positive experiences. Think things like participation by all family members at family meetings, clear expectations, and self-accountability.
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- Dec 27th, 2024 Converted to jekyll markdown format and copied to personal site using https://github.com/jsr6720/goodreads-csv-to-md
- Nov 20th, 2016 Originally published on goodreads Bookshelves: read-again, parenting