Quick Thoughts on Eat That Frog! 21 Great Ways to Stop Procrastinating and Get More Done in Less Time
Brian Tracy, Eat That Frog! 21 Great Ways to Stop Procrastinating and Get More Done in Less Time, BBC Audiobooks America 2007 (Audiobook) ISBN: =”1572707208”
My Review 5/5
A short book that summarizes 21 effective habits against procrastination. It also draws on a huge body of work including Covey, Maxwell, Drucker and others. Definitely on the list for listening to again.
Make no mistake what this book lacks in length it makes up for in density.
Primarily a focus on gathering strength to focus on the most important task and accomplishing it. Either via time method (a little bit each day) or task method (one slice at a time). ABCDE method of priority. ABC are your most important tasks A - serious consequences if I don’t do it, B - mild consequences if I don’t do it, C - no consequences. D - delegate to others, E - eliminate. Once tasks are rated this way it becomes very clear the course of action to take. This planning should be done nightly, weekly, monthly, yearly.
3 D’s Desire, Determination, Discipline. Sounds a lot like Napoleon Hill. The frog metaphor is to tackle the task that you alone can do that gives the most value to the organization. In fact many people use ‘activity’ as a cover for lack of results. It’s not enough to be moving, you have to be delivering results. Even the ants look busy.
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- Dec 27th, 2024 Converted to jekyll markdown format and copied to personal site using https://github.com/jsr6720/goodreads-csv-to-md
- Mar 3rd, 2016 Originally published on goodreads Bookshelves: personal-development, read-again