Import SQL files via psql command line scheduled task
Import SQL files via psql command line scheduled task
This script will monitor a hot folder, take it’s contents and execute the files against a postgres server.
Why post this? This python script in conjunction with a parameter setting batch file can take SQL output and apply it to the postgres database. Originally I was searching how to do this via DOS when I realized I didn’t have all the error catching capability that I wanted.
Developing this came from trying to solve how to systematically apply changes from other systems to one database. This script does not make a distinction between files. So if one system outputs several files that need uploading and separate files target the same record, last loaded is last applied.
I’ve simplified the script a little for ease of posting, this does require system variable PGPASSWORD
to run.
import os, glob, shutil
# count
fileCount = 0
# ASSUMES this file is above INCOMING/ BAD/ and ARCHIVE/
filelist = glob.glob("INCOMING/*.sql")
for file in filelist:
# take the file and thrown it against psql
# read psql --help for details about options
# setting ON_ERROR_STOP to nothing tells psql to pass back an error status code
errorlevel = os.system("psql -X -U some_user -d database --variable=ON_ERROR_STOP= -1 -w -f "+file)
# check for errors (thrown by psql)
if errorlevel != 0:
# error was thrown, lets report it and stash the file
print errorlevel
print file + " processed"
fileCount += 1
print str(fileCount) + " files processed"
Significant Revisions
- May 6th, 2024 Converted to jekyll markdown format and copied to personal site
- Nov 11th, 2010 Originally published on txcowboycoder wordpress site1
Generated using Wordpress categories: [‘Postgres’]
Original Wordpress tags: “Postgres”, “psql”, “Python”, “scheduled task” ↩