New 4D variable data type – float

Now that 4Dv11 SQL supports float data type; it would be nice to match that with a C_FLOAT. Using C_REAL throws an error for incompatible assignment at runtime.

I.e. if your database has a field with float data type don’t plan on using it with native 4D code, and don’t expect the complier to warn you. See my feature request with 4D.

` throws error (from GET LAST ERROR STACK): 54 4DRT Argument types are incompatible.

There is an Is Float constant to compare to GET FIELD PROPERTIES data type return longint.

And while we’re at it, why are SQL data type values different from GET FIELD PROPERTIES data type values.

Author’s Note

Initial md Generated using

Original Wordpress categories: [‘Wish List’]

Original Wordpress tags: “Wish List”, “4D”, “data types”, “float”, “sql”

Original Wordpress comments: 1 Comment

Significant revisions

tags: 2010, wordpress, txcowboycoder, wish-list, feature-request, 4D, data-types, float, sql

  • May 6th, 2024 Converted to jekyll markdown format and copied to personal site
  • Nov 11th, 2010 Originally published on txcowboycoder wordpress site
