Henry A. Shute, The Real Diary of a Real Boy, Franklin Covey 2011

Accessed via Project Gutenberg’s site

My Review 5/5

I remember reading this book in high school, my grandfather checked it out for me from the local library. I thought then what an odd curiosity to be made into a book. I understand now that what makes it into the collective works of humanity is fickle. But I always think to myself is what I write so much different than a running list of who got “licked” in school?

That the spellings are a reflection of a mind at work? Or a hastly written note? From the first paragraph of DIRY[sic]

Mother said she gessed nobody wood dass to read it, but father said everybody would tumble over each other to read it, anyhow he wood give $1000 dolars if he had kept it.

I think father is right. There are a number of journals I have kept over the years and to be able to go back in time and review my thoughts is a powerful thing.

And as a bonus thought Who lives, who dies, who tells your story

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tags: 2024, book, history
