Quick Thoughts on Steve Jobs
Walter Isaacson, Steve Jobs, Simon & Schuster 2011 (Hardcover) ISBN: =”1451648537”
My Review 4/5
Great book that covers Jobs life and history. Picked this up as it was the ‘official’ biography even though there are other books out there. Isaacson bends delves deep into the weeds of Jobs idiosyncrasies that may or not be related to Jobs success.
Were Jobs’ diets weird? Sure. Did I need to know that he embodied the smelly hippie with pilgrimages to India. Interesting, but no thanks. Great coverage on the technical aspects of the early Apple computers.
Isaacson also points out multiple times that Jobs harsh style was not necessary for the success of his company. Unfounded statement that sounds nice on paper but ignores the scores of stories he documented as “Jobs told us the impossible was possible and most of the time it was”.
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- Dec 27th, 2024 Converted to jekyll markdown format and copied to personal site using https://github.com/jsr6720/goodreads-csv-to-md
- Apr 26th, 2019 Originally published on goodreads Bookshelves: business, biography, management