Quick Thoughts on The Marshmallow Test: Mastering Self-Control
Walter Mischel, The Marshmallow Test: Mastering Self-Control, Brilliance Audio 2014 (Audio CD) ISBN: =”1469249065”
My Review 4/5
Great book, same two system concept as previously read in Emotional Intelligence, but this time ‘hot’ and ‘cold’ system
Hot -> amygdala, fast responses
Cold -> Prefrontal Cortex and Hippocampus, memory plus decision making
Three parts:
preschoolers and executive function.
Marshmallows to 401k. Self control at adult level
policy impacts.
Focuses on how self control can be improved and how it, on groups, predicts success. Solid 4. Not quite a 5 not sure if this is because of my previous experience with Emotional Intelligence. First third of the book about the history of the test at Stanford is very interesting. Added to list Mindset recommended in this book. That was disappointing.
Some techniques for mastering self-control:
Increase psychological distance - reflect on the situation as a fly on the wall
Associate future consequences with immediate action - if I smoke I’ll get cancer
Frame the temptation. Think of the cognitive physical attributes - A cookie is round and made of flour eggs sugar
if/then conditioning. Replay scenarios to train the hot system. If I see a cookie Then I will not eat it
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- Dec 27th, 2024 Converted to jekyll markdown format and copied to personal site using https://github.com/jsr6720/goodreads-csv-to-md
- Dec 24th, 2015 Originally published on goodreads Bookshelves: psychology