Napoleon Hill, Think and Grow Rich, Erik Synnestvedt Your Coach In A Box 2008 (Audio CD) ISBN: =”1596591587”

My Review 5/5

This is an older novel, published in the late 1930’s. Allegedly based on 25 years of research under Andrew Carnegie and many associates.

Dreams are made by adhering to the the belief it will manifest. Personal attitude determines outcome of surrounding events.

It is interesting to hear how people though the brain worked in the early part of the 1900s. Lots of talk about the ‘ether’ of the mind and ‘vibrations’. However they were spot on that much of the brain’s unconscious will absorb and repeat back to itself what it is fed. To attain our dreams we must put them to paper and repeat them as a mantra every day. Faith and belief in oneself are paramount to uncovering opportunities.

Author had a son that was born without ears, and they did not let it become an excuse for him to not succeed. Sounds familiar. The tenets of success are burning desire, faith, planning, resourcefulness. Interesting notion that in the 1930s specialized workers are referred to as a ‘around every corner’. What people are paid for is ideas.

There is way too much going on in this book to absorb through one time. The bottom line is internalize your desire, stroke it until it drives you, don’t fall to temperance of alcohol, narcotics, sex, surround yourself with a mastermind collection. Persist and move on. Definite purpose of life will persist you long after others have given up. Surround yourself with those who think similarly. The mind can be tapped for infinite wisdom. Life will give you only what you ask of it.

This book also touches on what Drucker Peter F and Covey, Stephen R. expand later, that humans are motivated to work now by causes and rational thought. Not by coercion.

This is an excellent life skills book, parenting, managing, leading, money, everything is covered. There are some dated concepts as per new understandings of the mind, but this book really stands the test of time. I’m going to have to relisten again.

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